Sunday, November 18, 2012


for whom the indonesia goverment to open up new teritory to Papua. There is more new teritory and we are know that. Now will be a new provinsi again. Provinsi of middle mountain of papua.  two day ago, The leader of middle mountain of papua went to jakarta. they are talking about to open up new propinsi in papua land. but there is i not know understand, actualy they are know effect of that or not. what they are understand about the profit and the lose if they created like that.

we are papuan not want like that, we want to empowerment by goverment. we want to competition with other people, we are papuan have capability too. 
talked about prosperity must use measure. what is measure? whoever when he be a leader must see the layman as a basic for that. we can not used the cipil servant of goverment as a basic for measure of prosperity.

we are papuan want like that. we have good education, we have good health, yeah we have not poor people not just like that. so we papuan not more must die on our land. this is reality. we are now 47 %  in 2011 year ago.

every years papuan not have change, there is poor people always, there is people die always. what is this we can say the Indonesia goverment succes take papua as their teritory.
because that dont be suprised papuan want to be free.

make a provinsi that is desire small part of papuan. that is desire of their who want sit down on good seat of indonesia goverment. we are papua not want that. we want just like above written. make empowerment for our papuan. papuan can competition with other people. there is good competition of papuan and not papuan. if not like that  dont be suprised the papuan want to free. Bravo Papuan.

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