Saturday, September 7, 2013

PEMEKARAN KABUPATEN MONI (Kabupaten Moni Ibu Kota Delama)

Berbicara masalah PEMEKARAN KABUPATEN MONI, saya merupakan salah satu perempuan moni yang tolak pemekaran, tapi itu lalu, sekarang saya berfikir lain. Setelah melihat kenyataan di lapangan. adapun yang melatarbelakangi mengapah saya setujuh pemekaran Kabupaten Moni adalah : pertama, kita semua ketahui bahwa Kabupaten Pania terdiri dari dua suku yaitu suku mee dan suku moni tapi melihat dan mendengar rintihan, keluhan mama-mama saya yang ada dikampung yaitu distrik bibida dan duma dama. pada dasarnya mereka mengingginkan anaknya sekolah tapi karna latar belakang pendidikan dan ketidak tahuaan mereka dan kemampuan mereka yang terbatas sehingga mereka membiarkan anak-anak mereka tumbuh dan berkembang dalam masyarakat tradisional, alias tidak bersekolah dan buta huruf. Saya merasa terharu ketika saya menghitung anak usia sekolah (SD)yang jumlahnya sangat banyak sekitar 271 anak. ternyata mereka semua itu tidak sekolah, hanya beberapa saja. ini saya hitung ketika saya dan keluarga saya mengadakan misa untuk memindahkan tengkorak leluhur saya pada tanggal 22 februari 2013 di kugapa, distrik bibida, kabupaten paniai. saat itu Pastor Marten Kuayo memberkati mereka sebagaimana biasa dilakukan oleh pimpinan gereja katolik untuk anak-anak sekolah mingguh. Ini hanya anak-anak moni yang terhitung belum termasuk anak-anak mee di daerah ini. Dari sekian anak, ternyata mereka ini betul-betul anak-anak yang tidak mendapatkan pendidikan layaknya anak usia mereka. coba anda bayangkan, itu baru di distrik bibida. Belum lagi distrik duma dama, daerah antara tembagapura sampai bibida. daerah yang bisa dijangkau dengan jalan kaki 5 hari. berapa banyak anak usia SD yang tidak mengenyam pendidikan. Berapa banyak penduduk yang korban akibat sakit karna belum ada akses ke sana. mereka harus ke timika atau pania berhari-hari sampai mati diperjalanan. saya bertanya-tanya sebagai seorang perempuan yang mempunyai kodrat melahirkan dan membesarkan anak, tentu menginginkan anak-anak yang kami lahir memiliki masa depan yang baik, tapi apa yang saya maupun mama-mama yang ada di balik gunung rasakan adalah bahwa anak-anak kami bukan mempunyai masa depan yang baik tapi suram. mereka akan menjadi penonton di daerah mereka karena tidak ada generasi moni yang sekolah. ini betul-betul menciptakan perbedaan. Kedua : lebih kusus anak-anak moni yang berasal dari disrtik Bibida, duma dama, selalu dikesampingkan oleh Pemerintahan kabupaten Nabire, Paniai, Timika dan Intan Jaya dalam hal pemberian bantuan pendidikan (beasiswa). Ke timika, timika bilang kamu orang Paniai, Kepaniai, paniai bilang kamu orang Intan Jaya, ke Intan Jaya, Intan Jaya bilang kamu orang Paniai, begitu juga nabire. Sebenarnya kami bagian dari pemerintahan mana????. Hal seperti itu juga terjadi saat rekrutmen pegawai negeri sipil. perlu kami berih tauh disini, perkembangan kabupaten-kabupaten di atas tidak terlepas dari kebaradaan kami suku moni yang ada di lembah weya. tapi ada oknum-oknum tertentu yang menghilangkan sejarah tersebut. Ketiga : Jika ada yang bilang sumber daya manusia kurang, anda orang orang yang salah menilai kami. masalah SDM kami sudah siap. Sekali lagi saya mau tegaskan, bahwa kemajuan pembangunan Pania-Nabire-intan Jaya tidak lepas dari keberadaan kami suku moni. Intan jaya adalah bukti bahwa SDM kami siap. kami tidak muncul kepermukaan karna selama ini kami adalah korban politik lokal. korban politik dari kelompok yang memetingkan kepentingan pribadi dan kelompok. Keempat : sebuah negara dikatakan negara jika memiliki masyarakat, Sumber daya alam dan wilayah dan bahasa. begitu juga dengan suku. kami suku moni yang ada di weandoga (Distrik Bibida) juga mempunyai sumberdaya alam, masyarakat, batas wilayah dan juga bahasa. kami sebagai salah satu Suku yang ada di Papua, merupakan bagian dari Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia mempunyai hak yang sama untuk menikmati pembangunan seperti suku lain di papua maupun daerah lain di indonesia sesuai dengan amanat otonomi kusus. Kelima : selama tidak ada pemekaraan sampai 50 tahun pun bibida dan duma dama tidak akan perna di bangun, 40 tahun lebih adalah waktu yang sangat lama. apakah kami harus tungguh lagi 40 tahun?????. tidak, kami minta pemekaran, sudah cukup kami diam. saatnya orang moni bicara, untuk perubahan generasi suku Moni dan Mee yang ada di daerah bibida, duma dama dan sekitarnya. by Riskynati

Saturday, December 1, 2012



Monday, November 19, 2012


One day, I went to the karang tumaritis market because I have promise with my brother in there.  They are name MM,HK, LZ, JW and JK. They are small a part of papua children who life and live in the terminal. From Morning to afternoon they are staied in karang terminal and then from afternoon to night they are going to oyehe terminal. They are in home when the day very night.

 When our meet them, After our think they are the children who like drink. That is right. It is they lacked. But they have position thing. Just like, they were work as  call out the taxi passenger.  For about that, they have some money from 500 to 600 thousand rupiah. Their money  was divide  to fit with their number. When the Christmas day come, they have to 1 million rupiah because one people work for one taxi. In chrismast day was many people went to hinterland, just like enarotali, deiyai and dogiai.  And that gave  profit for them.

When I asked to them, do you like have a work just like the people came out of papua? They were said, yes their like it.  But their said they don’t  know what they do? Our have’t a skill.They are’t doing everything. Let alone them, our as the people who to studied have not it. Our’s certificate to practice a profession was become a pillow. That is not our have’t capability. But I think this is about a work opportunity. This is otonomi time for our’s Papuan people but our’s have not to become master in our land. They are in government and private only work for  the sake of family and group.  They are can’t to usefull   the Papuan people. The Papuan was usefull  as civil servant. That is only 49%. 

I asked to them what the government gave to attention to them, they were said yes, they were gave assistance just like alkon, diesel and motorcycle, besides that their was build a church for them in the terminal, but the things have’t of them. It was disappear. Their friend’s was bring it. By



Sunday, November 18, 2012


for whom the indonesia goverment to open up new teritory to Papua. There is more new teritory and we are know that. Now will be a new provinsi again. Provinsi of middle mountain of papua.  two day ago, The leader of middle mountain of papua went to jakarta. they are talking about to open up new propinsi in papua land. but there is i not know understand, actualy they are know effect of that or not. what they are understand about the profit and the lose if they created like that.

we are papuan not want like that, we want to empowerment by goverment. we want to competition with other people, we are papuan have capability too. 
talked about prosperity must use measure. what is measure? whoever when he be a leader must see the layman as a basic for that. we can not used the cipil servant of goverment as a basic for measure of prosperity.

we are papuan want like that. we have good education, we have good health, yeah we have not poor people not just like that. so we papuan not more must die on our land. this is reality. we are now 47 %  in 2011 year ago.

every years papuan not have change, there is poor people always, there is people die always. what is this we can say the Indonesia goverment succes take papua as their teritory.
because that dont be suprised papuan want to be free.

make a provinsi that is desire small part of papuan. that is desire of their who want sit down on good seat of indonesia goverment. we are papua not want that. we want just like above written. make empowerment for our papuan. papuan can competition with other people. there is good competition of papuan and not papuan. if not like that  dont be suprised the papuan want to free. Bravo Papuan.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012



Papua is one of Indonesia Province. There is Melanesia race. The race of Melanesia is difference of other province in indonesia. The Province of  Papua came insede indonesia Goverment in 1961 year ago. That is to go by PEPERA (the people gave their voice ).
When The Papua people to voice for free of Indonesia since 1998 the Indonesia goverment gave special outonomi to papua. So in year of 2001 there is specialy Outonomi for Papua. That is on special outonomy law  number 21 of 20012. There is about The specialy outonomi for Province of Papua.  The special outonomi is capability for arrange importance of local community who gave the Indonesia goverment.
There is not  taken a change for Papuan For a long time the outonomi to happen. That is looked of day by day  The papua community  have problem more. There is less of education, Health is not good of Papuan, The Papuan is poor.
 The goverment  was make more  expansion but that is not take anything who usefull. That is usefull when the Goverment to up the papuan as a civil servant. The Civil servant of Papuan is 40 % of  total in each  teritory. We are papuan is minority.  We are not  human resources. This is situation wiil be continuous if there not powerfull of papuan education.
Papuan community be hope the goverment can give powerfull to them. But that is not happen, not succes.  The bank not give access to papuan for doing entrepreneurship. It is difficult have credit on the bank. There is saying we are papuan have not capabilty really.
 Talked about healt, there is hospital have not good management.  The outonomi is appear VIP room. The poor people not used the facilities because that is very expensive.  There is hospital is chiep medicane and that is not good but that good medicane you can looking that on the drugstore.
The Papuan land to take by Goverment. The good place of Papua land for Indonesia people. The goverment make a trasmigration programme for papua. The community of jawa, sumatra taken of them. They sat and controlled land of papua.
The Papuan forest to take of goverment by their people who we mention them  bussinessman.  Their cutting that not doing reforestation. Thay are talking for properity of people. Which whom????
The Papua have more problem by be present of specialy outonomi
There is not the goverment  give powerfull to papua specialy layman before. The lay man live to be poor. If like that, what for the goverment make more expansion in papua.???



Sunday, November 11, 2012


Wow so sweet, when our looking to under of the mountain in the night.  There is in darkness, our looking the light. The light is very beautiful. When I looked that.  So I was think, what happen if I be there have not the light? Unfortunately course I don’t know my way……………… but fortunately that is the light. 

Friends, in ourlife is same too.  The light is Jesus. We are looking beautiful light if our in Him.  He will be to light in our life as a candle.  Because that, our don’t false to way our life.  Friends trade on Jesus every day.  Jesus bless you. 


 There is a small part narative of the moni trible

Moni trible is one etnict of papua. They are living araund Enarotali in Kugapa,Dumadama, homeyo, sugapa, bilai, arwanop, tembagapura. The history of moni trible to point at Soalinambo to give name moni trible to them, after give name to another trible just like Dani, Isani, Damal, Dauwa and etc. The moni trible know their history. their parents always to tell The history to their children. They are tell about that to be continnue.

Who is Moni??? Moni to come from two langguage of local people in middle mountain in Papua. First moni self and second Ugindoni (amugme). In moni langguage apart two words. It is mo and ni. Mo to come from basic word molia that mean to chew. Ni, it is mean group. The mean group of people who to price another people, Like as a mother give food to her baby. That mean too, moni trible have full love to another trible in the middle mountain in papua just like a mother.

In ugindoni (amugme) moni have two word too. First mo and ni. Mo, it is Taro and ni is a group. Moni mean trible group who come from taro. Why they give that name to this is trible??? There is narrative about that of generation to generation. Long time ago, there is a man. His name Wagaholo. When he is arrive to a place that always Wase, now wase is call for waa village in tembagapura teritorry. He went there because look for his sister footprint who be lost. His sister name Zitugumina. This place have not people and to isolate. This is girl have six old brother. He is next of them, she is go out from his family and run to hinterland because have problem with them. Her first brother Wagaholo to look for and arrive in Wa village that now every body call tembagapura. Wagaholo have two son. Tembagapura is place where Wagaholo said to his children for kill his self. That time not name Wa village.

Wagaholo staied in there. He is give the name to place, he is looking around and to look a high mountain and give name to it. This is Mountain name Puyapigu, now to call grasberg. In moni langguage puyapigu to part two. First puya and pigu. Puya mean is Go, snow and pigu is mountain. In moni langguage puyapigu mean is the snow montain that to go. They are live in there and have more problem, first is food. Wagaholo alway to work for get food from his body for his son. He is talking to God. He is useed magic langguage. He is press his body tobecame taro. That is to do for one month.

One month the garden is ready to grow. Wagaholo have taro seed that to come from his body. Seed of taro to grow by vegetative method. To grow by vegetative method is activity of traditional people. One day,their father is tired and came back to home first. Before he is came back home, he was give know to his son for to finish their work. He said their must to build the garden, if dont do it, they are hunger. His young son ask to his old son, “why dady always came back home first???. What is he do??? come on, we are going to home too, what dady doing in there???I want to know it!!!. Last, they are going to home. In the home, Wagaholo are doing press his body. He is to do out two taro from his body. When he is to do press his body who tirth, he is not do it. He is try and try again but the taro dont out from his body. He is conscious, his son to look what he is do. Yeah, it is alright. His son to peep him from outside in their home.

Wagaholo was have saffering because press his body to product tirth taro. He is said to his son “ you are doing wrong to me and you are know my mistery. Dont affraid, came on and listening , i want said to you what do you do from now on. I dont life with you and dont give your food, please bring a string, to bunch my neck and to depend on the tree. If i die to do as :
1. Kill me by string
2. My body part to five
3. Four part of my body just like my hand and foot to grave in the corner of garden.
4. My head, stomach,liver, and heart to garve in middle of garden
5. You are come to there when four day

His son was sad when listen his dady said that but their do it. After they are do it, they are siting and to do meditate upon what happen after four day. They are dont hold back theirselves. They are do conclusion for came in to garden before four day. They are walking slow and be careful. They are shock and wonder. There is in the garden full by taro plant. Because they are not be careful, one of them stepped small branch of tree. The taro plant is fly go of them. One taro plant who catch of them. They are give name to Taro plant Tigiboge. Kind of this taro plant still bring clan of Zonggonau in moni trible. In the distribution of this plant by other clan can to grow one time And grow not good, But by clan of Zonggonau to grow more of one time and good grow. The people will be think this plant have not element for growt. Their think it is have clorocis.

Tigiboge is to take Wagaholo son name. This words is two words that meaning different. There are Tigi is mean part and boge is good.
The illusrtastion of this story is give information to everyone about word of Waa village come from. By accidental of ugindoni (amugme), waa village come from moni trible. They are said waa village gave by zonggonau clan and actualy they are come from taro. Now waa village name is tembagapura. By